Garda Inspectorate

About Garda Inspectorate

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So far Garda Inspectorate has created 38 blog entries.

Implementation of Recommendations from ‘Senior Management Structures’ Report

2022-11-23T16:51:26+00:00February 2nd, 2021|

This inspection report was subject to a final review by the Inspectorate in February 2021.  The report contains a total of 12 recommendations,  all of which are considered to be implemented. The recommendations in this report will not be the subject of further monitoring by the Inspectorate. Please click here to view the original report; Senior [...]

Public Order Policing

2022-11-23T16:51:27+00:00June 25th, 2019|

Public Order Policing Report Executive Summary This report, requested by the Policing Authority, is an examination of the effectiveness of public order policing by the Garda Síochána. It explores a number of themes, including: strategy, governance and accountability; capability and capacity; operational delivery; and post-incident management. The report identifies areas of [...]

Customer Service Charter

2023-09-13T15:30:52+00:00January 17th, 2019|

The purpose of this Customer Service Charter is to set out the standard of service and behaviour which should underpin our interactions with all customers. Values of the Inspectorate The values that the Inspectorate aspires to in carrying out its work are:  Independence: To be objective, fair and impartial basing reports on a through and [...]

Review of Entry Routes to the Garda Síochána

2022-11-23T16:51:29+00:00June 26th, 2018|

In October 2016, the Minister for Justice and Equality requested the Garda Síochána Inspectorate under section 117(2) of the Garda Síochána Act 2005 ‘to examine entry routes to An Garda Síochána for police officers from other police services and the opening up of promotion opportunities for Garda members to persons outside An Garda Síochána’. Click [...]

Submission to the Commission on Policing

2022-11-23T16:51:30+00:00February 1st, 2018|

The Commission on the Future of Policing has been asked as part of its terms of reference to carry out a fundamental review of the role, structures, leadership and management, ethos and culture of policing and existing oversight. In this submission, the Inspectorate will address these issues; firstly by setting out its contribution to improving policing [...]

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